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  Our aims are to promote the advancement of education on the basis of Christian principles through the provision of financial
  and material assistance and vocational training. We also aim to improve the conditions of life for children and young persons
  who have need of such facilities. Our Charity Operates inside and outside the U.K., and WORLDWIDE.

Some of the children we are aiming to help.
Picture 2.0: Some of the children we
are aiming to help.

  So who do we help?

  We help the poorest of the poor in the World’s poorest nation – Sierra Leone
  (as verified by the United Nations - UN).

  The average age of death throughout the whole world (ie. the Mortality Rate) is 48
  years; in Sierra Leone it is just 34 years of age! (as verified by the UN).
  We did not realise that this forgotten country has just come out of a (not very)
  Civil War and there are literally thousands of orphaned children who need someone
  to look after them, clothe, shelter, protect, nurture and feed them.

  The Sierra Leone Government have no active plans for these children. There is no
  social service, social welfare, sanitation, clean fresh water, electricity, food,
  medical help, schooling or any other basic need which is being provided by the State;
  and no good roads, railway or other form of reliable, usable working transport.
One of the children who has benefitted from our healthcare programme.
Picture 2.1: One of the children who
has benefitted from our
healthcare programme.
  How do we know all of this?

  We checked the UN internet sites and then paid for ourselves to visit the country.

  In one week we have seen, spoken with, touched and held 1000 plus orphaned children
  aged 2–15 yrs.

  Many of the children had never seen a white person before. Some babies actually
  screamed and got very upset when they saw us!

  Please click here for the still photos and video footage that was taken on our visit. The
  photo of the girl in green is not an orphan (Picture 2.1 left). She was rescued from her
  parents who had offered her up as a human sacrifice!
  Yes, these things really do still go on.
Sewage and rubbish in the streets
Picture 2.2: Sewage and rubbish
in streets.
  The photo with the sewage and rubbish in the streets(Picture 2.1 left) was the least
  revolting from a series of pictures we took. In towns people use the open sewers
   to relieve themselves. In the countryside they do all their ablutions in the local
  streams. These are the same streams they get their drinking and cooking water –
   you work it out!

  We have personally witnessed all of this and much more…….
Pastor Khan with a group of children.
Picture 2.3: Pastor Khan with a
group children.

  At the moment our emphasis is on caring and mentoring for those who need more help
  including orphans, abandoned babies by prostitues, children suffering from HIV and
  AIDS, widows and the elderly. through our ministry we create an atmosphere of
  deliverance through the holy spirit to deliver the insane and those suffering from
  unexplained illnesses.

The school being built in Kenema.
Picture 2.4: The school being built
in Freetown.
  In Sierre Leone we are currently looking after 578 children, most of them orphans,
  some are disabled and some are destitute. We provide shelter, education and
  healthcare for them. We have aquired 5 acres of land in the district of Kenema in the
  East of Sierre Leone to build a child welfare centre which will comprise of a
  nursery, primary, and secondary school, vocational training centre and recreational

  To find out how you can help, please click here to go to the Donations page.

   From our trip:    Still Photos   Movie Clip   Download complete movie (20 mb)
Mercy Misssion International, registered by the Charity Commission for England and Wales. Charity no. 1110370

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